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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rusted Ducts, Wires, Traintracks and Stuff.

Friday, May 30, 2008


It seems like it's always the most infirm, 98 year old ladies or the daintiest, zero-musclepower ladies that choose not to hold on when they're riding the train.

These silver-hairs are busy inspecting a small pack of gourmet dogfood that one of them has purchased. It's that cute. No, not the dog on the package..the package itself.

I guess that's more important than breaking a hip.

Doesn't matter really; they'll be standing on the train with or without the broken hip because nobody ever seems to let them sit..

..'cept for me.

Monday, May 26, 2008

'It's Got Lots of Caffeine In It..'

Jero Train Ad.

The first black enka singer's ads debuted on May 21st on TV and in printed media.
Finally, a positive image for black people in Japan.

Yesterday's View..

..minus the smog.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


A pitfall of the first-time user on the way to work.

Reminds me of that one story from 'I, Robot.' where the (of corse) robot tries to spread the logic equally between the 2 commands by choosing a distance midway between the two.

I had one in the train and one on the platform.

The station is neatly tucked away, on a branch line, between two stations and not listed anywhere on the platform..except for on this map.
The trains are not frequent, giving the traveller time to sufficiently second guess himself.


'It's morning. Now I'm walking and studying Japanese.'

Today, for the first time here, I bought an English newspaper for the English and not for the news.

..and conducting informal traffic volume and demographic studies on the Tokyo public transport system.

Yeah. I said it.

It's amazing what a difference 10 - 15 minutes makes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Here's The Thing..

It's Called 'Elevator' Music For A Reason..

Sometimes using a Japanese toilet is like a dream:


Manga so I can brush up on my Japanese..
Ample toiletpaper..

Hooks to hand my bag, jacket AND umbrella..

Soothing colours..

Touchless handdryers, taps and autoflush..

I've never seen a cleaner public toilet - in a subway station no less..

Now if they'd only get rid of the elevator music.

'Dear Japanese toilet design team: Barry Manillow is ALREADY elevator music; you don't have to take the words out and jazz it up.'

Now if they only had soap..

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Yoyogi Park, Tokyo.
(Nearest station - Harajuku)

Goldie Survivors..

Saturday, May 17, 2008

An Evening With Goldie..

I Believe You..

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Please Don't Touch The Videogames..

I thought it was a video arcade? (it is)
Since it's a museum I guess I'll go in, but not touch anything..

Emotional Visual?

Emotional sound and visual what?

Please Eat Me..

I'm oh, so tasty and I don't mind A-tall..

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Premium on Space will Directly Result in Crazy Parking Jobs.

I have never seen so many very expensive cars parked so close to random objects.
That gap is about an inch wide..

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Industrial Toilet 2

I can't get enough of the peeling plaster, concrete floors and old fliers
The dead cactus in the corner was a bonus.

Japanese Parking.

There are cars under these cars and maybe cars under those cars..