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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


"..Then we will fight in the shade..."

Surf's Up...

More Fun With Engrish..

How Black?

I don't even know what this is...

"Kawaii"かわい vs "Kowai"こわい

The Japanese word for "cute" is "kawaii" - "ka-why-ee" かわい
The Japanese word for "scary" is "kowai" - "ko-why"こわい

Now you're ready to approach the opposite sex in a bar.
Don't make the same mistake I did.

Kawaii or kawai? You decide...

Japanese Signs...

Believe me when I tell you that there are entire websites devoted to this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a book or two floating around out there. Their hilarity stems from two things:

1. Engrish
2. What I believe to be completely different logical thinking from English speakers.

For example:

"Everyime I finish smoking a cigarrette, I realise I should have brought a portable ashtray with me."

So "rain is to umbrella, as cigarette is to portable ashtray"(?)


"You carry an umbrella in case you don't want to get wet, so why don't you carry a portable ashtray in case you want to smoke?"

Let's look at this one:

"I threw my cigarrette butt into the drain. That is to say I hid it in the drain."

"Don't throw your cigarrette butts in the drain."(?)


Now you try:

Here's my translation:
"Everytime the sun is shinning, and I see a giant cigarette as big as a man with a bird perched atop it, I introduce it to a friend.."


Basically I think this one means to say that...I have no idea what that sign says..

What's your translation?
Don't be annoyed if you don't get it the first time; remember, Japanese is a language whose characters are originally based on pictures...they do this all day.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Japanese Household Products...

I'll let you guess what this is for...

Japanese Signs:

Product for testing your significant other's underwear for undesireable 'fluids'.
(this picture was taken at a Japanese bar)

Suggested Japanese methodology for pushing through the crowd on the train...
(I prefer the mosh-pit method; frowned upon, but effective)

I Can See Mt. Fuji From The Office...

My cameraphone doesn't do it justice...I gotta buy a new camera...

Tantalizing Tentacles...

I have begun expanding my palette here in Japan; partially to fit in and partially because I have no choice.
One of my new favorites is tentacles. I don't care what you cut them off of just give me tentacles. I love the way they wrap themselves around the chopstick and how they battle your throat on the way down. I don't even care how you make them: boiled...stewed...pickled...hell you don't have to cook them at all because I like them RAW too. I'll save the story of how much raw seafood I ate in 30 minutes for another time. In the meanwhile..



