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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dirty Tokyo Back-Offices

I've been to my share of dirty, sleazy, shady, dank, dark, B2 club back offices in my time but..

Toilet paper readily accessible? Check.

Ancient iMac dating from the times of the Maya? Check.

Those pipes are carrying actual human waste. What's more, you can hear it sloshing around and bouncing off the inside of the pipes if you put your ear to it and listen..

..but the rat turds on and near the ashtray?


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Taking The Piss

In this game, there is a weather girl out on location. However, it's a windy day..

How windy? Well, that depends on how much you piss.

Sensors in the urinal detect your flow volume (a manly 450ml for yours truly) and rate, and the reporter's skirt is raised higher depending on how much liquid enters the urinal.

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Owl Police Box, Chiba

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Wednesday, January 02, 2013
