Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
Friday, January 02, 2009
Oh, The Fucking Roaches..

I just found one crawling on my can of cockroach spray.
On. The. Can.
I stood there and waited patiently as it circled the can and finally crawled off onto the floor so that I could proceed to use half a can on it. Worse part is I had a half-filled beer sitting on the table, so now I have no way of knowing if it's been walking on it or if there's one inside. is the last beer..
I'm not afraid of them, but I feel like I'm thrown to the winds most of the day so I'd like to exercise a little control over my apartment.
I guess if I close the sliding door I could call it that; then it'd be two rooms instead of one. When I first moved out of the overpriced Nova accommodations this place was like a palace: I was alone, the place was clean and best of all I was still paying ¥20,000 less. Now that I have more money it seems like I've outgrown it.
My place is clean's just old. A while back I noticed that the cupboards underneath the sink were rotting away.

My landlady isn't bad; she only charged me two month's rent to move in (something I appreciated incredibly at the time); she let me go 2 1/2 months without paying rent during the whole Nova fiasco; she helps me communicate when I'm having trouble with my bills..
..but she was not going to spend any real money on that cupboard. I could see that.
Here are some of the reasons she gave me to explain why I had cockroached in my apartment:
- The apartment wasn't clean
She has regularly commented that my apartment is the cleanest apartment she has. maybe that's not saying much, but what I mean to say is that I keep my apartment clean. - The cockroaches are thirsty
There is water nearby that the cockroaches want to drink. You mean like the water dripping from the sink onto the rotting cupboards? - I don't throw out my garbage fast enough
What garbage? You mean that tiny bag from Origin over there? The one I bought the onigiri in? - Grobal Warming
My personal favorite. I think I laughed out loud for that one. - It's winter
The gokiburiゴキブリ are looking for somewhere warm to sleep. Nope. Definitely not my apartment lady..
This went on for a while, so we compromised; she made arrangements for a handyman to come over and take a look at it. I left work early so I could be there to witness any attempts at repair.
It was worth it:

Well, I coulda done that. Thanks. Can you leave now?