Thinking About Coming To Japan for the Olympics?
Japan is a beautiful place. Volcanoes. Festivals. Kimonos.. just remember Japan is. Racist. As. Fuck.
We're talking about a country that was completely closed to foreigners a couple hundred years ago..a country that tried to take over the entire world..
OK.. Germany tried the same thing, but they've been paying for it through the nose ever since, and at least try to act like the new model of acceptance; negotiating cease fires etc. Japan STILL hasn't paid much of (if any) of it's i-lost-the-war money, and STILL sends it's prime minister to give respect at the shrine in the country in which its invading army redefined rape.
That's zero fucks given on a massive scale.
So it's no wonder that Japan still treats foreigners like shit; from "Japanese Only" signs to "This place doesn't rent to foreigners ", the days of old can be relived by simply being foreign and walking down the street.
Japanese law stipulates that Japanese and foreigners alike cannot be stopped and asked for ID without giving a reason, but that doesn't stop the Japanese police from doing their best to harass all those who don't appear "pure".
Take this sorry mutha fucker for example; been studying English since kindergarten, but still can't give enough fucks to practise racism in the language of the person he's harassing. This is the face of insitutionalized racism in Japan.They tried their best to stop me from filming, but the forgot one thing:
They may give zero fucks, but I give even less.
I'll upload the over-produced video soon.