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Friday, February 29, 2008

ありがとう そして だいじゅうぶ。

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vending Machines.

(above: Vegetable and beer machines)

You can buy almost anything from vendingmachines in Japan.

'Amber Room' Found?,1518,536358,00.html

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Newly Discovered Flush Simulator Function.

I accidentially used a girls bathroom the other day (no really)..
I only realised my mistake when I looked at the armrest on the toliet.

Some ladies' toilets have a noise function to cover up any unfortunate noises.
This saves water as the user doesn't have to flush to get the same effect.

What noise does it make?

A toilet flushing, of course.


'Straps' are the things you always see hanging from mobile phones in Japan.

I call them 'phone bling'.

This rack in Toys R Us had some with various animals with sections cut away to reveal their various organs.


Tokyo begins on the right bank of this river.
My first apartment is on the left bank.
Mt.Fuji富士山 is on the horizon off to the left.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Watch That First Step.

If this dog falls off this ledge he'll effectively hang himself.

That'll make for an interesting sight bright and early one morning on the walk to work..

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Koi + Water = Zen.

Most of Japan's rivers have concreted channels yet Koi can still be found in almost any one that you peer into.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Japan's Homeless.

A homeless community near Yoyogi Park.

原宿いてえいます。Headed to Harajuku.

Kehin-Toyoko line from Kikuna to Shibuya.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

More Signs.

Minimalist Restaurant Toilet.

Back Online (sort of)

(above) A not-so-usual snowfall in the Yokohama area.