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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day Sushi Dinner 2.

..and of course every country has some kind of 'tiny fish' hat it wouldn't make sense to eat just one of, so they're eaten by the mouthful..
Here it is..the Japanese 'fry-dry' ('cept it ain't fried nor dry):

Namashirauo (生白魚)
(I haven't been able to eat this one yet).

Boxing Day Sushi Dinner.

Top row (left to right):
Ginger (しょが)
Inari Zushi (いなり)Sweet Shrimp (甘海老)
'Hokkigai' clam (ほっき)
Ark Shell (赤貝)

Bottom row(left to right):
Salmon (サーモン)
Young Yellowtail (はまち)
Swordfish (かじき)
Marbled Tuna Belly (中とろ)
Fatty Tuna (大とこ)

Yokohama shopping 2.'s some more..

Yokohama(横浜) shopping..

What a perfect opportunity to do "engrish" poaching.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas.

Id just like to send best wishes for the season out to everyone who takes time out of their day to wonder what Im doing and read this.

*(..and if you have a problem with my punctuation maybe YOU should be using a Japanese keyboard. Usually I take the time to figure out where everything is, but December 25th is my lazy daY)

On the 30th of September 2007, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and ... all » Christopher Hitchens sat down for a first-of-its-kind, unmoderated 2-hour discussion, convened by RDFRS and filmed by Josh Timonen.

All four authors have recently received a large amount of media attention for their writings against religion - some positive, and some negative. In this conversation the group trades stories of the public’s reaction to their recent books, their unexpected successes, criticisms and common misrepresentations. They discuss the tough questions about religion that face to world today, and propose new strategies for going forward.

Authors’ Recommended Books: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins  Breaking the Spell by Daniel C. Dennett Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris The End of Faith by Sam Harris God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens

Part 1

Part 2

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bad Santa.

Poor picture quality approved by tokyo_terry..

Friday, December 21, 2007

Farm Fresh..

"When only the freshest produce will do for wedding, choose Dreams Come True."

Strange Japanese Products Revisited..

Sometimes Japanese girls can come off as a little "fake" (Worst pun ever:).
I found this useful product in a "hip-hop" store in Yokohama.

It was gone a few days later..

I don't know if it was because the staff saw me taking a picture of it or because someone bought it.

(Very Interesting)

Current Reading Material

I prefer non-fiction..