I`ve got 10 more minutes so I`d better make this quick...
I always try to save money by eating cheap here in Japan. Cheap isn`t necessarily bad and one can find a sizeable bowl of rice with meat for about 380 yen. I was still picking my teeth when I had a sudden yearning for fruit. Fruit is very expensive here in Japan so I usually just buy 100% fruit juice to stem my cravings. But being from the isalnds I sometimes yearn to sink my teeth into sweet, succulent, juicy fruit.
I gave into my desires and took a walk over to Tokyu Plaza to find some; first mistake. Tokyu Plaza is a mall. Malls are a bad place to buy fruit in Japan.
I saw some peaches and bought one. The woman disappeared with it and returned with a bag:

I took the bag back to the office. Inside the bag was another bag:

No big deal, right? Just two bags.

I get my fruit now, right?
Not quite:

After all..we would want my 800 yen fruit getting bruised now would we?
Yeah, you heard me...800 yen. That peach cost more than twice as much as my entire lunch.
Here`s the environmental damage:

My 10 minutes are up.
I always try to save money by eating cheap here in Japan. Cheap isn`t necessarily bad and one can find a sizeable bowl of rice with meat for about 380 yen. I was still picking my teeth when I had a sudden yearning for fruit. Fruit is very expensive here in Japan so I usually just buy 100% fruit juice to stem my cravings. But being from the isalnds I sometimes yearn to sink my teeth into sweet, succulent, juicy fruit.
I gave into my desires and took a walk over to Tokyu Plaza to find some; first mistake. Tokyu Plaza is a mall. Malls are a bad place to buy fruit in Japan.
I saw some peaches and bought one. The woman disappeared with it and returned with a bag:
I took the bag back to the office. Inside the bag was another bag:
No big deal, right? Just two bags.
I get my fruit now, right?
Not quite:
After all..we would want my 800 yen fruit getting bruised now would we?
Yeah, you heard me...800 yen. That peach cost more than twice as much as my entire lunch.
Here`s the environmental damage:
My 10 minutes are up.