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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Japan & Brown People

Japan has a love - hate relationship with brown people.

The Japanese people love hip-hop, hip-hop dancing, afros, dreadlocks and do their best to copy them all and claim them as their own (they even paint their faces brown as a joke- blackface), but you'll never see a half Japanese - half black news presenter.. that's reserved for 100% Japanese and half Japanese - half whites. 

The Japanese people also love to think of themselves as the "saviour " of brown people everywhere. You can't watch 30 minutes of bad Japanese tv without being reminded about how much they "care" about brown people.. especially in Africa.

..but heaven forbid brown people actually try to live in their country; women cross the street clutching their handbags to avoid them; men confront their SOs with questions as to why they aren't dating Japanese.

In fact, Japan prefers to invent robots and tax the living shit out of its citizens to allowing more taxable brown people in to help take care of its aging population.


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