Onuma Lake, Hokkaido北海道
Ōnuma Quasi-National Park (大沼国定公園, Ōnuma Kokutei Kōen?) (wiki), on the Oshima Peninsula in southwest Hokkaidō, Japan encompasses the volcanic Hokkaidō Komagatake (a 1131 meter adesitic stratovolcano) (北海道駒ケ岳, Hokkaidō Koma-ga-take) as well as the Ōnuma (大沼?) and Konuma (小沼?) ponds, which were created when mudflows due to eruptions of Hokkaidō Koma-ga-take dammed up depressions at the base of the mountain.
大沼国定公園, Ōnuma Kokutei Kōen
Cost: free
Toilets: Flushable and cleaned regularly.
Laundry and charging facilities available. No showers. Park can get a bit overun with kids and loud drunkards. Bicycle available for rental. Hiking trails to Komagatake and elsewhere abound. Campsite patrolled by security guards. (Foxes regularly make the rounds of the tents in search of food, so be careful not to keep your food or garbage unattended, especially in your tent, as they've been known to tear into tents).

This ejected piece of volcanic material is now revered. Businesses in the nearby towns keep hard-hats at the ready in the case of falling rocks from future eruptions.
大沼国定公園, Ōnuma Kokutei Kōen
Cost: free
Toilets: Flushable and cleaned regularly.
Laundry and charging facilities available. No showers. Park can get a bit overun with kids and loud drunkards. Bicycle available for rental. Hiking trails to Komagatake and elsewhere abound. Campsite patrolled by security guards. (Foxes regularly make the rounds of the tents in search of food, so be careful not to keep your food or garbage unattended, especially in your tent, as they've been known to tear into tents).

This ejected piece of volcanic material is now revered. Businesses in the nearby towns keep hard-hats at the ready in the case of falling rocks from future eruptions.
Nanae, Kameda District, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, Kamiikusagawa
Labels: Hokkaido, Komagatake, Onuma, 北海道, 大沼
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