Habushu ハブ酒 at Spider Bar

Katakuracho is a small place. Really small. And incredibly boring. In the off chance that you're stuck there past the last train your options are limited:
711 convenience store
(or as the Japanese like to say - "combini")
Lawsons convenience store
hot lunch boxes made while you wait 24 hours a day
ampm convenience store...you get the picture...
But never fear wanderer, for there is also Spider darts bar.
Spider is the best bar in Katakuracho because it's the only bar in Katakuracho.
It's houses about 4 dart boards and a pool table, which they've somehow managed to place with one end about a foot from a chain link fence despite the bar's spacious interior. This ensures that just about every shot from that end results in one having to thread the back end of the pool cue through a chain link to make your shot. Nice.
It's unusual for Spider to have more than 4 people, inculding the bartender, in it at one time. (I have a buddy who walked there in his bathrobe from his house around the corner one time just to prove a point). So, this being a 'crowded' night (read: about 15 people), I decided I to go wit the flow and explore the bar a little. Enter Habushu ハブ酒.
Habushu is the drink the anti-hero bounty hunter in some straight-to-DVD SF sequel would order while he's in the toughest bar on some back-water planet trying to get information. You know... just before the big bar-brawl scene about 10 minutes into the movie breaks out, so we can all see how tough he is...I mean there's a poisonous snake curled up in the bottom of the bottle for Chrissakes.
Catch the action (or inaction) at Spider Bar in Katakuracho, three stops from Yokohama station towards Azamino.
Labels: alcohol, bar, drinking, habushu, katakuracho, pool, sake
Habushu is very odd and interesting in a weird way type of sake for sure.
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