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Friday, June 20, 2008

A Day In The Life - 2


It may not seem to be a big deal to travel 10 minutes into the heart of Tokyo, stay there for 15 minutes, then leave.

But trust me - it is.

I was just bumped, jostled and nudged by no less than 1000 people in that space of time.

My stress and irratability levels increase a thousandfold just walking around there.

After waiting in line for a while, getting to the front of it, asking for what I want in Japanese (a chore in itself), aeing told that I have to go to the counter upstairs (again in Japanese) and explaining what I needed again (easier after the first time) I was able to claim my rize:

Now I have 561yen in my pocket. Obtaining more from a machine will result in my incurring charges for withdrawals since I have a post office bank account, and the post office (and the banks for that matter) don't allow withdrawals on the weekend. I'd have to go to a bank machine.

Good thing I have money at home for the party later.


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