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Thursday, March 13, 2008

At The Supermarket/Drugstore.

Murphy's Law.
It figures that the supermarket closer to my apartment is more expensive and provides you with bags while the co-op further from my house is cheaper but makes you buy them.
If I moved to the other side of the station the universe would reverse itself and I'd be in the same situation.

That's ok, though.
ANY supermarket in Japan will provide one with hours of Engrish fun.

Let's take this kid's 'spacesuit', for example, which I found in the drug store above the Co-op..

Notice anything strange about any of the logos emblazoned on its front?

Well if guessed that I was referring to the 4 inch by 4 inch ganja leaf you would be correct.

Many things which have specific meaning in the west lose that meaning when they're adopted in Japan as a pop culture symbol. The same happens to kanji when its imported to the west for the same reason. That's why there're so many people walking around with the word 'bakery' or something of the like tattooed on their arms - 'fire'火 is one kanji away from 'Tuesday'火曜 after all.

By the way, be sure to 'Win the championship at least once in the race' today. Them's words to live by..


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